In magazines like Bizarre, Fantasia, Exotique etc. it seems to be customary to have a Correspondence Issue every so of- We have received so many letters which have some in- eresting comment to make that it seemed appropriate to de- rote more than the usual number of pages to this section his time. Almost all of them are highly approving of the fforts we have made in Transvestia, but a couple were not. Just in the interest of balance and fairness these are in- :luded to. "--all the people all the time", you know.
If anybody wants to write to correspondents this may be done In the same manner as for ads--send 50¢ in stamps or coin ind your answer in a stamped but unsealed envelope with a lote attached giving the initials and state and page on which the signiture appeared to help avoid confusion if :wo letters were somewhat alike. We will address and mail.
Dear Editor:
The first three issues of TVia I have read and reread rith pleasure. TVia is all I ever hoped for and more. 'lease, please keep up the good work. I know I have con- ributed nothing to TVia but the subscription price up un- il now, and though I am not much of a writer Iwant you to now I am working on something which I will be sending in once I have completed it. I only hope I can make my cont- ibution worthwhile and useable in TVia as I do want to help in whatever way I can.
C.W. Illinois
Dear Editor:
I have today received the #4 copy of TVia which you jent. I am enclosing a check for copies of #2 and #3 and #5 when it comes out. Your magazine interests me very much